Important facts to know before undergoing Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Important facts to know before undergoing Gastric Sleeve Surgery


Gastric sleeve surgery is an effective weight loss surgery that may completely transform the lives of people suffering from obesity both physically as well as mentally. It is one of the safest weight loss processes and involves the complete removal of a considerable portion of the stomach, helping patients to feel full when consuming less food.

Health Benefits

  • Increased heart health
  • Relief in states causing joint pain like arthritis
  • Progress in obstructive sleep apnea
  • Increased fertility
  • Elimination of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Risks and Complications

The same as any other surgical procedure, there are several risks and complications associated with gastric sleeve surgery las vegas. The location of the operation and the physician’s experience could be significant, deciding factors for the postoperative complications.

Few potential complications include:

  • Bleeding
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Constipation
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dumping syndrome
  • Infection or blood clot

After Surgery Scars

If the best bariatric surgeons perform the procedure, and the patient accurately follows the pre-op diet as suggested by the physician, it’s even possible to have less than five incisions throughout the operation. But because the procedure is performed laparoscopically, the incisions are rather small and may not be observable in some cases.

Weight Gain after Surgery

A lot of people become worried that the outcome will not last long and they will recover their initial weight soon after the surgery.

They have the potential to change the lives of individuals once and for all and boost their degree of self-confidence, gastric sleeve surgery las vegas operation. If performed by the most effective bariatric surgeons in a high-quality bariatric surgery clinic, may greatly help an individual to lead a healthy lifestyle and live more. But, it is essential that patients follow before and following operation precautions as instructed by the physician to guarantee best results.

Tips to Prepare for Gastric Sleeve Surgery

  • Gastric sleeve operation might also be known as “sleeve gastrectomy.” Informally, a few people occasionally refer to the process as only “the sleeve.”
  • The procedure entails creating a”sleeve” inside the stomach -only a thin, vertical passageway for food to go into the digestive system.
  • The sleeve is created by excising some of the stomachs with a surgical stapling apparatus. That extracted part of the stomach is separated, leaving a smaller area – than the recently created sleeve – to pass food through the gastrointestinal tract.


Being a strict surgical procedure, the physician’s expertise and the patient’s ability to adapt to a healthy lifestyle ascertain the dangers post-surgery. Thus, it’s always advisable to opt just for the ideal obesity surgeons when undergoing the procedure