Testosterone in simple words is a hormone that is secreted by the male genital parts and female adrenal glands. The ratio of secretion of testosterone in male and female varies greatly. For the record, testosterone serves as an answer to ...

Did you put in a lot of weight over the last few years? Do you think, gradually, it is going out of your control? Well, in that case, it is about time you took some serious actions to control your ...

  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been making serious headway in the western world, two thousand years after it was first recognized in Asia. While still categorized as an alternative to western medicine, it has won over its fair share ...

` Can you rely on vitamins to keep you healthy? Well, I bet you familiar with trust Santa Claus too. Why such strong words for just about any lay person. Let’s just say somewhat knowledge plus some studying clinical research ...

“You are the foods you eat” as what many individuals would say, but can it be true? Here’s the sale, diet plays an important role within your inner being as well as your image outdoors. In the event you practice ...

Antioxidants are molecules which work by fighting toxins. These radicals are unsteady molecules that could damage cells and impair their function if they are left unchecked. Toxins is capable of against outdoors sources for instance pollution, Ultra purple light or ...

Efa’s are natural, healthy fats the body cannot make alone – therefore, the word “essential”. They are classified as Omega-3 fats and Omega 6 fats. Omega-3 fats are things like fish, omega-3 essential fatty acids, essential essential olive oil, flaxseed ...