A Guide to Eating Healthy If You Have No Time

Surely, everyone’s goal is to begin eating healthy and take the appropriate supplements to get all the necessary vitamins and nutrients needed from brands like Thorne Research in Supplement First. But we understand the difficulty of cooking three healthy meals per scratch daily. We all have work, chores, families to care for, and hobbies we should make time for.

With all our time divided into many obligations, it begs you to wonder how to find time to prep, cook a healthy meal, and clean up afterward. You might be tempted to just order takeout every single time and hope that your supplement from Supplement First will do its magic.

Well, there are ways to still eat healthily and get the nutrients you need even when you have no time. Here are some tips to follow

  1. Go Beyond Fresh Produce

People don’t get enough fruits and vegetables partly because it takes too much time to wash, prep, and store. Don’t focus all your efforts on fresh produce, though. You can eat healthy with frozen and canned options when you are short on time

They are still nourishing, easy to prep, and less perishable. At times, they are less expensive! You can add frozen vegetables to reheated leftovers or soup, canned vegetables as a side dish, or canned fruits as your snack. That way, you get fruits and vegetables with less hassle.

  1. Embrace Snack-Meals

An easy way to create a meal is to combine snack foods with different textures, flavors, and nutrients. Stock up on ingredients like raw vegetables, cheese, deli meats, crackers, dried fruits, nuts, and your favorite dips. When you’re on a time crunch, combine these ingredients depending on your cravings, like an upgraded Lunchable or mini charcuterie board.

  1. Purchase Pre-Cut and Pre-Bagged Food

While this isn’t the most cost-effective method of supermarket budgeting, it’s a good time management tip. Pay for the extra convenience by purchasing pre-cut vegetables, frozen vegetables, or even bagged salads containing everything you need so you can create a meal in a snap.

  1. Batch Cook and Freeze

To ensure you have good, healthy food for the next few days or weeks, you’ll want to batch cook your favorite food to freeze. When the next mealtime comes, simply take out a portion of the food you cooked from the freezer to reheat and enjoy

You can make huge batches of soups and stews in a slow cooker to freeze. You can even make frozen waffles to heat for later. The possibilities are almost endless

And if you have absolutely no time to even cook for one day, supermarkets carry healthy frozen meals that still contain nutrients and taste great. It will only take minutes to heat up and you’ve got yourself a healthy meal whether you’re at home or work.

Wrapping It Up

Follow any of these tips now and begin your journey towards eating healthier.