Was Colloidal Silver Used to Treat Tuberculosis and Syphilis?

Throughout history mankind has believed in the powers of silver, whether these were medicinal or supernatural. By carrying a silver sword, evil creatures and spirits could be defeated; while invading armies who were conquering the ancient world were carrying water in silver urns to prevent it from turning bad. Today, we see specialist retailers selling high volumes of the purest quality colloidal silver, for example Colloidal Earth. So there must be something about this worthy of our attention:

When were the properties of colloidal silver discovered? 

Hippocrates (460BC -370BC), the Greek physician also known as the “Father of Medicine”, wrote about the use of silver to reduce infections in wounds, promote healing, and treat ulcers. Since those times, and until the development of modern day antibiotics in the late 1930s, silver was used to treat various infections.  

Before Hippocrates, the earliest recorded use of silver for its healing properties comes from the Han Dynasty in China circa. 1,500 B.C.E. Rich families of the Middle Ages used silver plates; glasses and cutlery to ward off diseases, something which often led to blue discolorations known as argyria. Hence, the term “blue blooded” came to mean someone from the aristocracy. 

It was common practice to feed babies with silver spoons in the 18th century because it was believed that they would remain healthier; since then the term “born with a silver spoon in the mouth” refers to children who have everything. 

The early pioneers to North American were aware of these properties and would drop silver coins into their water vessels to ensure that it stayed fresh on their journeys; they used the same method to keep milk fresh for longer periods. 

Dr William Halstead (1852-1922) pioneered the use of silver in surgery to reduce wound-related infections. Since then silver is used in suture material, urinary catheters and other types of dressings and surgical equipment. 

Therefore, the properties of colloidal silver were discovered thousands of years ago. Silver was and continues to be a powerful antimicrobial compound, helping to heal many illnesses before antibiotics were discovered. The past two centuries were pivotal in the use of silver for effectively treating all types of diseases, including extremely difficult ones like tuberculosis and syphilis. 

Colloidal silver facts and its natural properties

In a process that scientists better understand today, silver’s antibacterial action is mostly attributed to the silver ion. Evidence indicates that this binds to the DNA of bacteria and the spores of fungi, causing them to stop replicating. Another important action is its effect on inhibiting oxygen transportation to bacteria, viruses and fungi; this is a powerful action that causes them to die. As a matter of fact, the properties of silver are able to effectively fight over 650 species of bacteria within 72 hours.

Of all the metals, silver has the highest reflectivity and has a soft and shiny transition. What is known is that it is biologically active when dispersed in its monoatomic ionic state, because it becomes soluble in liquids. The compounds which have mostly been used for treating wounds are silver nitrate and silver sulfadiazine, but the nanocrystalline form from colloidal silver or ionic silver are the only ones that should be used for ingested medications, because they are the safest. However, When it comes to safety, ionic silver poses a concern. Because silver ions are extremely unstable, they are desperate to achieve an even number of electrons. This means that while, yes, they can steal electrons, they can also donate electrons. In practical terms, what that means is that if you drink them, ionic silver solutions can be taken up by your protein and fat cells and left behind in your body.  This can lead to a disorder known as argyria, which is when your skin turns blue-gray. It is irreversible. True Colloidal Silver has been shown in studies to be effective both on surfaces and in the body, unlike ionic silver. Plus, these particles are not metabolized by the body — they are wholly excreted within 24 hours. In other words, there is zero risk of accumulation — zero risks of turning blue

 it is worth knowing that  The best colloidal silver preparations are pure water solutions with nanoparticles and are completely safe to use if bought from reputable manufacturers. 

Best Colloidal Silver

Consumers need to be wary about some of the retail colloidal silver preparations because some products are created by using non-standard manufacturing processes. These products end up tainted with dangerous nitrate compounds and are what pharmaceutical companies have also been pushing to the public over the last few decades. This is an unacceptable and unethical practice, and is what has contributed toward bad reporting on colloidal silver.  These end products are actually not colloidal silver and are untested and fraught with potential danger for consumers. 

The best colloidal silver is manufactured and tested with the strictest criteria, using natural processes, and modern testing procedures. Its medicinal strength is 10-20 P.P.M. and it has a slightly yellowish tint. Consumers must be extremely wary of black or brown colloidal silver, indicating abnormally large silver particles which are dangerous for consumption, becoming trapped into the tissues of the body. 

It is up to the consumer to ensure that they buy the best colloidal silver available so that they can enjoy the full range of its benefits. Just like it helped to cure tuberculosis and syphilis in the past, today it can help prevent and protect from a variety of dangerous microbes and viruses, which have become resistant to antibiotics.