Your body is a network of various major organs that all work in unison to make sure you’re able to function on a day to day basis. Your liver plays a major role in your body’s ability to process foods and rid you of toxins that can become severely problematic if not removed. While there are many steps that you can take in your day to day life to avoid having liver issues, the football size organ can still have trouble functioning properly and cause you a host of issues. Since the liver is such an important organ in the body, it is imperative that you pay attention to changes going on with your body that could be associated with liver failure, liver cancer, or any other liver related problem.
Since the job of the liver is to remove toxins from the body, if it is failing to do so, you will notice your body reacting to toxic buildup. Symptoms can include excessively itchy skin, yellowing of the eyes and skin, swelling, and dark urine. While these symptoms can be caused because of other ailments, they are usually indicators that something is not working as it should be when it comes to your liver. These symptoms can be indicators of liver failure, liver disease, or even liver cancer. If this is the case, a liver cancer surgeon in Los Angeles would need to be consulted immediately.
Liver cancer is an umbrella term that covers several kinds of cancers that can happen within the cells of the organ. However, it is more common for patients to have the kind of liver cancer that has spread to the organ rather than a cancer that has started there. While there are symptoms associated specifically with liver cancer as opposed to other liver ailments, a liver cancer surgeon in Los Angeles along with a specialist should determine if cancer is the actual diagnosis. A few of the symptoms related to types of liver cancer include a loss of appetite, yellow coloring of the skin and the eyes, white stool, and general weakness.
The liver is a vital organ and is necessary to ensure that your body is functioning as it should. When you are worried about the health of that organ, it can be scary. Going to see a liver cancer surgeon in Los Angeles can feel like a daunting experience, medical professions can be a beacon of hope when you’re faced with a health scare.