Heroin Addiction can be Brutal for Health



    Intoxication is a very common phenomenon in this world. Starting from the ancient ages, humans discovered many substances so that they can get intoxicated. It gives a shire rise to the nervous system and gives the person a different feeling in this world.

    Heroin is one such substance that induces intoxication in the nervous systems of the user. Due to the long term use of this substance, people get habituated to it. It becomes a necessary part of their life. The users need heroin after a certain interval of time and they can’t live without it. They feel severe physical and psychological problems if they don’t get heroin. This is called a heroin addiction.

    What is Heroin?

    Heroin is an herbal substance. The source of this white powder is the opium poppy plant where we get morphine alkaloids. It is stronger than morphine and has a slightly bitter taste. It is a highly addictive drug and has a very strong euphoric effect on the user. The users generally administer it through injections, smoking, or snore it up through their nose. The users feel a high euphoric effect and get relief from every anxiety and pain.

    How is it Available in the Market?

    Heroin is actually not available in the market in raw form. But there are certain substances with which you can get this substance as a cut. You can get heroin from a person having a heroin addiction as a powder in brownish white color. It is the cut that we use with sugar, powder milk, starch, or quinine. In some cases, you can get this as a cut with different poisons. Heroin is also available in the market as the black tar appears with the common features of roof tar-like sticky and semi-liquid material.

    It is sometimes available in solid form also as coal. The main danger associated with a heroin addiction is that the people use it as an intoxicator, mostly don’t know about the doses and the content. This is why there is always a chance of overdose and death. Afghanistan grows more than 70% of the opium and they are the highest opium-producing country in the world.

    Methods to Use Heroin

    Most people use heroin as a smoke substance. If you will put a flame under this drug, it starts evaporating and then the abusers inhale it. Sometimes they snore it directly as the form of powder. They put the powder on any plane surface and then snore it through a pipe. In some cases, you will see people ingesting it through the mouth.

    Effects of Heroin Addiction

    Since we get heroin from the same source of morphine, so after ingestion it breaks down into morphine in the body and the following effects occur.

    • People get a surge in their feelings after they take it through injection. Some people say that it results in a flaming feeling of the skin associated with dry mouth.
    • Like other intoxication effects, it also gives you a feeling of heavy limbs.
    • It puts a depressive effect on the central nervous system.