5 Ways to Protect Your Eyesight

Your eyes are your body’s most developed sensory organ. They can interpret more than one-million pulse signals per millisecond and send the information to your brain. It is important that you do not take your eyes for granted and do the necessary things to protect your eyes.

Below are the 5 ways to protect your eyes:

Avoid UV light

UV rays not only cause damage to your skin, they cause damage to your eyes too. Over exposure to UV rays can cause you to develop cataracts and pterygium, a con-cancerous growth over your cornea.

When you are out on a sunny day, remember to wear a pair of sunglasses. Choose a pair that blocks 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB. If you are unsure if your sunglasses can do that, consult the shop owners before purchase!

Spend a little more on a pair of good sunglasses to protect your eyes in the long run.

Healthy Diet

A healthy diet can ensure that you have enough nutrients to protect your eyes. Studies have shown that consuming fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants that will help to decrease your risk of developing cataracts.

A good meal will contain a portion of vegetables and fish which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce your chance of developing macular degeneration. You can also consume supplements that contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin as they help protect your eyes from harmful blue light, improve visual performance and reduce Age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Keep these in mind the next time you prepare your meals so you know what are the ingredients that are good for your eyes!

Eye Exercise

After staring at computer screen or television screen for a long time, it is important to give your eyes a break.

You can carry out some simple eye exercise in your office or at home.

  • Warm your eyes by rubbing your hands together and then placing those hands on your eyes for 5-10 seconds.
  • Roll your eyes 10 times, both in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. It is recommended to do this exercise with closed eyelids.

Sufficient Rest

Getting sufficient rest is crucial for your eyes to repair and get better vision. If you feel that your eyes are strained due to extensive hours of work, close your eyes for a minute to rest. An adequate amount of sleep will help you to improve your vision too.

Before you sleep, soothe your eyes by placing cold cucumber slices over your eyelids. I am sure you feel refreshed the next day!

Go for Eye Checkups

A comprehensive eye checkup will definitely give you a peace of mind. Eye examinations can help you find diseases, like glaucoma, that have no symptoms. If you are able to detect the problems early, it will be easier to treat.

Ava Eye Clinic provides premium eye care specialist services. We have eye specialists with high volume clinical experience in managing general as well as subspecialised eye conditions.