Understanding the Medical Billing Process


The diagnosis of no two diseases stands the same. As a result, it is more than just important to use the ICD coding system, which provides that specific classification needed for the diagnosis of a particular type of disease.

What is medical billing?

Medical billing seems to be a lengthy and complicated method, but if broken down into steps, it becomes simpler. It is a practice of payment prevalent in the United States. In this process, the healthcare provider submits, follows up, claims insurances to receive payments or reimbursements in most cases for medical processes like testing, treatments, and other procedures. These billing processes have a strong connection with ICD codes.

Why are ICD codes important in medical billing?

The ICD-10-CM is nothing but a system of alphanumeric codes proposed by WHO (World Health Organisation) used mostly by physicians along with other healthcare service providers across the world. The main aim of using this system is to classify and encode every diagnosis, their symptoms as well as their procedures which are recorded in close synchronization with the hospital healthcare services in the States. Although the use of ICD codes is prevalent throughout the healthcare system, they generally find a place in the documentation system. In addition to the patient paperwork and death certificates, they are also found in the records of the hospital along with physician records. ICD-10 is nothing but the 10th iteration, that is the currently used code of ICD-10 used for ICD 10 lookup. 

Where are the ICD codes found?

Although the use of ICD codes is prevalent throughout the healthcare system, they generally find a place in the documentation system. In addition to the patient paperwork and death certificates, they are also found in the records of the hospital along with physician records.

What are the steps involved in medical billing?

Medical billing is a large process. But if the same is divided into small steps, things become easy to follow with. Registration is the first step. Although it sounds simple, during registration, people overlook a lot of terms and conditions that are required to be paid more attention. Establishing the financial responsibility for the visit along with the checking in and checking out of the patient, followed by the verification of billing and coding compliance, are the steps to be followed next. Preparation and transmittal of claims form another section. Adjudication of the payer is then closely monitored. Generation of the patient statements and bills is the most crucial state as it involves a high probability of bills getting interchanged. After successful completion and verification of the bills, payments are assigned to the patients.


ICD-10 codes find their use in medical billing as well as document verification for reimbursement purposes. These days, there are several websites provides many such tools that facilitate ICD 10 lookup. The tools are accurate and time-saving. This will accelerate the overall procedure of medical billing noticeably. This, in turn, improves business productivity so be smart to implement these moderns tools and stay ahead of your competitors.