New Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

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The coming times of treatment deals with medications hitch are meant to be good , with lesser side effects , works effectively and gives the fastest results. Currently there are three drugs which comes under different brand names. They are Sildenafil, Cenforce 100. The doctor will make sure at first that you are getting the right therapy for the treatment Vidalista 20 of erectile dysfunction.

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a incapability of getting erection which disturbs the sexual health. There are various conditions connected to this complication. Erection is always important for satisfying and happy intercourse. The erection helps in maintaining proper The word “regular” is crucial here. Its usual for men to not get erection there are various reasons connected to it. But it can be a sign for some imbalance in the body. Medications like Sildenafil, Fildena 100, belong to the same drug class labeled under different brands. These medicines contain various elements which transfer from tissues of the penis and relax the blood vessels allowing the blood to flow rapidly around the penile region. 

There are various steps that needed to be followed to cure

Stop getting regular orgasms or intercourse

Stop watching pornography and masturbation

Eat healthily and follow and good diet routine give our body all supplements and nutrition.

Give up smoking its injurious to the heart and lungs

Stop drinking habits

Do regular exercise for remaining fit

Stop stressing

Sleep well and sleep approx 8 hours

Get vitamin D

Keep guidance on your health

There is no shortcut to long-term results, all the points mentioned above help in improving erections.

Common causes of Erectile Dysfunction

The erection usually needs a proper blood flow, during erection maximum of blood is allowed to flow inside the penile region. To maintain an erection and carry it for a longer time the blood flow should be rapid towards the penile region. The most important thing here is blood flow and blood pressure.


There are various kinds of treatment which a person can choose for improving their erection. Dont forget to get a proper knowledge about the good and bad of the medicines. Every medicine might deal with same problem but might have different reactions on you.  The treatments might have a different process with different results.

What are the new treatments?

These medicines are found to be good for maintaining erection through every medicine is different from one another by the time of maintaining it and making the things easier. The most important thing about an erection is it should allow the maximum amount of blood to flow into it.

The main difference between all these medicines

The time of maintaining an erection

Side effects 

Time of reaction


Rules to be followed while taking


Viagra is a medicine prescribed by doctors to deal with erections. This relaxes the muscles of the pelvic region and increases the flow of blood. Viagra makes the erection easier. It is only approved for males above or of the age of 18. This helps in getting an erection when you are sexually aroused. It is an oral pill. It should be swallowed as a whole rather than chewing or swallowing. It should be taken before 50-60 minutes of intercourse. The rection stays for a maximum of 4 hours. It is seen in men that viagra works faster when taken on empty stomachs. Viagra might cause both mild and serious side effects. 


Vardenafil is an oral tablet. It comes in different forms of doses of 10mg, 20mg, 5mg, or 2.5mg. The doses might vary from person to person based on their health condition. Similarly, the dose might increase or decrease from 20mg to 5mg by checking the satisfactory results and side effects. The erection doses last from 40-45 mins. The dosage should not be increased within 72 hours as Vardenafil increases the blood levels so tight react differently to the body or make a schedule of once in a day at an amount of 5mg before sexual intercourse. It is advised not to take Vardenafil more than once a day.


Cialis is an oral tablet. It comes in different forms of doses of 10mg, 20mg, 5mg, or 2.5mg. The doses might vary from person to person based on their health condition. Similarly, the dose might increase or decrease from 20mg to 5mg by checking the satisfactory results and side effects. The erection doses last from 40-45 mins. The dosage should not be increased within 72 hours as Cialis increases the blood levels so tight react differently to the body or make a schedule of once in a day at an amount of 5mg before sexual intercourse. It should strictly be taken once with twenty four hours.

Common side effects of all the above-mentioned medicines

Pain or sudden pressure on the head


Stuff or runny nose


Pain in muscle

There is a higher risk of irritation in vision while taking Viagra than Cialis. Many of the people taking viagra have faced blurred vision or a vision of blue which lasts for 1-2 hours. On the other side, it is found that Cialis has been seen to give more pain in muscles than viagra or Levitra. Though not all the users have survived and received better results with Cialis, Viagra, and Levitra.

It is seen in research that these medicines can lower your blood pressure.


Do not take supplements of Nitrates or Organic Nitrates while taking tadalafil as it can cause a decrease in blood pressure or sudden harm to blood vessels.

Some medicines can react differently if taken with tadalafil. While taking advice from the Doctor, mention all your medicines intake.