How does Viagra work and how long does it last?


Viagra is one of the fastest working medicine so one is ready after a wait of 30 minutes.

Erectile dysfunction can happen after a certain age, as according to certain researchers it is found that men above the age of 50 usually face this because of various health factors.

It is even considered by medical experts that one should take medicines if they are struggling with it. ED can be cured and treated if followed the steps of recovery positively.

Viagra and other medicines like Cenforce 100, Generic viagra, Sildenafil, Cenforce 200, and Tadalafil are some of the trustful medicines for treating erectile dysfunction all have to give better results in a very less time.

After certain age very men suffer from erectile dysfunction as it is common among above age group of 60.

Many men across the globe have seen results of Generic Viagra Like Sildenafil Fildena 100; it has helped a lot in getting an erection and maintaining it for a longer time with a better experience.

There can be various causes of erectile dysfunction. It can be heart problems, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol.

People suffering from erectile dysfunction usually complain about the lack of confidence they get while having sexual intercourse. So erectile dysfunction not only affects health but also affects the confidence of a person. Taking medical attention is one of the right decisions for treating drug Vidalista 20  ED.Viagra is one of the most sold and available everywhere across the world. This is one of the most highly prescribed medicines across the globe.

Viagra is a brand name that sells Sildenafil; sildenafil is one of the active ingredients which helps in dealing with erectile dysfunction.

It comes in the form of blue oral pills which helps in treating erectile dysfunction. This a medicine which should be taken as a whole, breaking or chewing is not the right way.

This medicine has also shown improvements in heart problems when taken. It helps in improving heart health.

Usually, people have seen good results in treating and curing problems related to ED.

It is said that people allergic to nitrates should avoid the intake of Viagra. It can be dangerous to health or can result in chest pain.

It can be taken by the people who had a recent heart stroke or any problems related to the heart. Make sure this medicine is prescribed and not taken until you have not consulted any doctor.

With various benefits of Viagra, it also has various side effects like headaches, stuffed noses, stomach problems, etc.

How does Viagra work?

There are certain proteins and chemicals which help in an erection. Similarly, there are certain chemicals that help the smooth flow of blood and relaxation of muscles.

Viagra helps in producing all those chemicals which can create an easy blood flow to the penile region so that you can get an easy erection.

This is the way it is easy to get an erection.

People suffering from the low sexual performance can take this medicine it works very fast and gives good results

Men suffering from Ed usually get firmness while erection after taking Viagra. It is found to have given good results and better penetration. However, people taking Viagra had found their best results. Many men suffering from erectile dysfunction would have never solved if they would have found results in half an hour.

How does Viagra work step by step?


First 10 minutes 

The drug gets dissolved in the body within 10 minutes and starts showing its results.

Viagra travels through the blood vessels to the penile region. Always take your Viagra tablets when you are sexually aroused or else your erection would be difficult.

30 minutes

As per research it is found that Viagra needs around 28-30 mines to get you erection proeprly.In various researches it is found that erection is easy after taking Viagra. Viagra includes all those elements that help in getting erection easily. According to study its always 28 minutes for getting after Viagra.

It might get delay by 30-50 minutes.

But after an hour you can notice your erection at its best result which will help you give a good performance.

After an hour your results are as you wanted and this is the reason it is prescribed to be taken before an hour.

Though the erection process might got longer by an hour , but you will get your wanted results. It might take time because of the habit of eating or the time.

How long will the erection last?

According to study it is found that after getting erection a person can hold on or remain maintained for maximum an hour.

Three hours 

After three hours it seen often found that the muscles relax but somehow the erection still longs. The blood and the hormones are still active. But it is also a matter of concern that if you find your erection after three hours then you should consult your doctor and take the proper advice. 

Nine hours later

Even after nine hours the medicine doesn’t leaves the body. A man can still get erection after nine hours of relaxation same as the starting because of the presence of drug. 

Man can easily get erection after ten hours but the duration of maintenance can go less. The way of getting erection doesn’t decrease but the time of maintain erection might be less as compared to 

24 hours later

After 24 hours possibly the presence of elements might vanish.Donot consume Viagra more than once it might be hazardous for health. It can have different effects on health.