A well-kept secret for the aboriginal people of Australia, Kunzea oil is a recent discovery for the rest of the world. In the early ’90s, John Hood was walking around his yard in Tasmania when he noticed something. The fence from the whole area was really rusty, but in one spot it was brand new. Curious about this, he approached it and took a look at the area. Only in this side of the garden, it was growing a wild bush, with beautiful needle-like flowers and a wonderful scent. “This plant must have the most amazing anti-ox properties,” he thought. Indeed, the bush he just discovered was Kunzea Ambigua. Little he knew, that the Kunzea has been used by the Australian aborigines for centuries. They use it to relieve pain, protect the skin and as an insect repellent. As Jonh manage to distillate the essential oil for the first time, he would reveal his true potential.
Since then, Kunzea oil has stimulated a great deal of exploration. Besides the potential already known by the aborigines, the oil itself has even more benefits. The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration has probed that this hidden gem is an effective relief for arthritis, rheumatism and even for the common cold. In the last years, Kunzea oil is effective against several disease-causing bacteria. But it is even more surprising that Kunzea oil has interesting applications for our mental health. Kunzea creates internal blocks in the body meridian system. In that way, it helps deep emotional pain to defuse. You can buy kunzea & pure essential oil online easily.
Tea tree is one of the most popular essential oils
Nevertheless, Kunzea oil as the same qualities as the tea tree, but some important advantages. The content of active compounds is bigger in Kunzea oil. This means that the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities of the oil are effective with fewer doses. Besides, Kunzea is not irritating, so it´s safe to apply directly in the skin. In fact, the low level of cineole is generally well tolerated on even the most sensitive skin types. Furthermore, the aroma is more pleasant. Kunzea smells clean and fresh, with invigorating undertones. It is used in perfumery because of these unique characteristics.
Some more facts
The usual shelf life of Kunzea essential oil is 3-4 years once the bottle lid is opened. These are generally stored in cold, refrigerated places and dark glass bottles. The storage containers are generally of small sizes in order to extend the shelf life. Although this oil is produced all over Australia, the primary producer is from Tasmania. This oil is also used in making different skin care products like creams, lotions, body scrubs, face washes etc.
As a matter of fact, Kunzea enhances inner strength. Even the experts are surprised by the potential of Kunzea oil, and we still have so much to discover.