How Our Outpatient Addiction Treatment Helps People Who Have a Tight Schedule

Do You Have a Tight Schedule? You Should Consider Outpatient Addiction Treatment

Some addicted individuals often feel they need help but don’t have time to get it because of how their lives are currently structured. If enrolling on an inpatient addiction treatment program isn’t feasible, an outpatient treatment program may be the best alternative.

How Does Outpatient Treatment Work?

Patients in outpatient programs can continue with their daily lives outside of therapy hours, such as working or attending school, as well as fulfilling other personal duties. Regular appointments with a psychologist for medication to treat withdrawal, cravings, and other mental health concerns may also be scheduled for those in recovery. Outpatient care is comparable to inpatient care but is often less rigorous.

The following forms of treatment may be used in combination with outpatient addiction treatment:

  • CBT.

CBT stands for cognitive behavioral treatment. It assists people in seeing the negative effects of their actions and teaches them how to replace them with more beneficial alternatives.

  • Motivational interviewing

It aids in detection and addressing of treatment-resistance attitude. 

  • Contingency management

Contingency management is a method that uses rewards and incentives to encourage positive behavior change, such as frequent treatment sessions or sobriety.

  • Family therapy

Helps families cope better when a member has a substance abuse issue, particularly when dealing with teenage members.

Advantages of Outpatient Addiction Treatment for Busy Individuals

People with demanding schedules can benefit greatly from outpatient care. This alternative allows you to maintain your current living arrangements while undergoing addiction treatment. You will have the freedom to choose between weekday and weekend sessions to fit your schedule best. The time spent in outpatient care is much less than that of other choices (often 6 or 12 weeks). There is strong evidence that a 12-week outpatient addiction treatment regimen is optimal for maximum addiction recovery.

Who Benefits Most from Outpatient Treatment?

Getting the help you need for your addiction without giving up on your work or your time with loved ones in an outpatient program is possible. If you’re battling addiction but haven’t reached rock bottom yet, outpatient treatment may be the best option since it enables you to address your problems before they get more severe.

Outpatient care is beneficial to lots of individuals. For instance, outpatient treatment may be more workable for single parents. In addition, those who already have people they can turn to for help are also often good candidates since these people may serve as a kind of accountability without the time commitment or financial burden of inpatient treatment. In addition to those with less flexible work schedules, self-employed individuals or those with physically demanding jobs can also benefit from outpatient care. 

Mallard Lake Offers the Best Outpatient Treatment in Houston

Mallard Lake Detox Center in Houston is here to assist you if you decide that outpatient rehabilitation is the best route for you after reading the information above. Our outpatient care in Houston, Texas, consists of a comprehensive assessment, personalized care, family participation, extensive education, and other holistic approaches like art and music therapy.