Dental Bridge, Basic Information

You will cover your dentist’s problem in your smile with dental bridges, if you have missing teeth. A dental bridge is a false tooth known as a pontic which is placed on each side of the gap by the teeth. Pontics may be made of various materials, such as gold, but they are generally made of porcelain to be esthetically combined with natural teeth.

Dental Bridges Types

There are four main types of dental Bridges:

  • Conventional
  • Implants-supported
  • Cantilever
  • Maryland Bridges

Conventional Dental Bridges

A typical dental bridge is made up by the dental crowns that are cemented over each of the abutment teeth of the fake tooth or teeth. The most popular type of dental bridge is a conventional bridge and can be used if the missing tooth causes natural teeth on both sides.

Implants-supportedDental Bridges

In addition to crowns or frames, implant-supported bridges use dental implants. Usually, for each missing tooth an implant is surgically inserted and these implants are located as they support other teeth. If it is difficult to implant a bridge may have a pontic between two crowns protected by the implant for each missing tooth.

Given that the implant-supported bridge is the best and the most secure device, two operations are usually needed:

  • one to insert implants in the jawbone
  • The second to insert the bridge.

Cantilever Dental Bridges

While similar to a conventional bridge, a dental crown cemented only to one abutment tooth retains the papyrus in the dental cantilever bridge. You only need a natural tooth next to the missing tooth space for a cantilever bridge.

Maryland Dental Bridges

Similar to a traditional bridge, Maryland dental bridges employ two natural abutment teeth, one on each side of the gap. However, while a traditional bridge uses dental crowns on the abutment teeth, a Maryland bridge uses a framework of either metal or porcelain that is bonded onto the backs of the abutment teeth.

Dental Bridge vs. Dental Implant

Most dental plans cover bridges, and many now also include implants. Based on proper care, a dental bridge may be needed every five to fifteen years, although implants are considered to be a permanent solution. The lives of all bridges like implants depend purely on one factor, dental hygiene, can be shortened by certain other factors.

Why do you need a dental bridge?

It can influence you in a number of ways if you have a missing tooth or teeth. A dental bridge will tackle these improvements, amongst others by restoring your smile to correctly chew the restoration of your speech and pronunciation while preserving the shape of your face to correctly distribute the energy, so that your remaining teeth are not moved from the proper position

What does a dental bridge cost?

There are many variables that can affect the price including:

  • Amount of teeth necessary to fill up gap
  • Materials used for the treatment of other dental problems, such as synthetic resin, zirconia, or metal alloy that is protected under the complexities /Difficulties of resin placement

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