6 Steps to help your loved ones with an eating disorder

It is not easy to just stand by and see your loved ones going through a rough patch. You are always prompted to do everything humanly possible to help them. However, not all problems are easy to understand and have a direct solution, as they seem to have. Eating disorder is one such complicated condition where the patient either becomes too rigid on the diet, eats too much (sometimes secretly), or throws up every time after eating. While all these situations may appear to be related to diet, the real reason for these conditions is psychological. People often get involved in such absurd eating habits to overcome anxiety or to deal with some emotional issues. Often you will find your loved ones being self-critical and lose their confidence. The best thing to do is to seek an expert’s help. Click on the link https://www.mindbodywell.com.au/eating-disorder-therapy to get the right assistance for your loved ones. While the experts will do their job, you can also make your contribution and help them to deal with their botherations.


  • Understand his/her’s eating disorder


Eating disorders are much more than just a dietary condition. It often steps from a psychological condition in which people become over-critical about themselves and how they look. There is a sense of guilt and shame and they use food to suppress their anxiety. It is not wise to force such people to change their eating habits right away. You need to understand their condition and their apprehensions and be reasonable with them.


  • Identify the warning signs


There are many signs which will indicate that your dear one’s eating disorder. You should look for any change in eating habits and symptoms like avoiding eating or eating secretively, taking very small portions or eating large portions frequently, purging after every meal, taking laxatives, and many more. These things if happen regularly indicates that your friend/relative needs help.


  • Pick the right time to talk


The most important and tricky thing is to talk with a person with an eating disorder. Understand that it is a sensitive issue and choose to talk in private. Make sure that you are free from all other obligations to have an uninterrupted conversation. Also, make sure that the person is in a calm state when you start the conversation as that is when he/she is more likely to talk and understand.


  • Avoid lecturing


People with eating disorders often become introverted. Lecturing would push them back and they would retreat instead of coming out with their issues. Remember you need to show your love and care for them and not make them feel inferior. Try not to state the problem directly or offer a solution. Rather explain your concern and show your intent to help.


  • Understand their resistance


Often a conversation about their eating disorder makes the patients feel threatened. They feel challenged and may react with anger. They would deny the condition and will become defensive. You need to understand their anxiety and be prepared for such denials.


  • Support your loved ones with patience


Your loved ones may take time to accept the disorder and may be offensive during the process. Keeping patience and staying focussed is of the utmost importance in such cases. You should just show your care and love and give them time to open up.