What’s the link between Insomnia and Diabetes?

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Good sleep is very essential for every living being. Especially for humans, good sleep is very important if they are diagnosed with some medical condition such as Diabetes. If you have been diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes or Ty-2 diabetes and have been losing sleep lately, then you need to get help and treat this condition. Lack of sleep can harm blood sugar levels and may prove a health hazard as well. 

Lack of sleep can put the body under stress and you may find it difficult to perform even simple daily activities. You may consider consulting a sleep doctor and start treatment for insomnia which is a better option but you should consider including these changes in your lifestyle as well. 

  1. Check for Sleep Apnea

First, get yourself checked for sleep apnea which is a condition common among Type-2 Diabetes patients. According to research, 7 in every 10 diabetic patients suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. If you are obese or overweight and have excess fat in the neck area, then it can cause sleep apnea. This condition involves irregular breathing or difficulty in breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea can be treated with lifestyle changes and breathing devices. Also, consider losing weight to reduce symptoms of sleep apnea. 

  1. Manage Blood Sugar Levels

You can suddenly wake up during the night if your blood sugar is too high or too low. One thing you can do to improve your sleep quality is to keep your blood sugar levels in the normal range. To keep your blood sugar levels in the desired range, follow the medications properly, which you can buy from https://www.pricepropharmacy.com/online-pharmacy/, and follow the activity plan and diet properly. 

  1. Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep daily to function properly mentally and physically. Many people who have a habit of working long hours and watching TV or going to the clubs in the late hours of the night, tend to disturb their sleep cycle. Prioritize your sleepover other tasks and consider getting a good sleep every night. 

  1. Keep a Regular Bedtime

One of the best tips to regulate your sleep is making a bedtime routine that puts your mind in a relaxed state. When your sleep routine gets regular, the body’s clock starts working in the best condition. 

It has been observed that diabetic patients with irregular sleep patterns gained more weight, had increased blood sugar and blood pressure and posed a higher risk of heart attack compared to those with a regular sleep pattern.

  1. Don’t Drink Alcohol before Bedtime

Alcohol greatly impacts blood sugar levels. Consuming alcohol releases glucose into the bloodstream and makes it difficult for the body to completely metabolize any amounts of alcohol in the system which may pose difficulty in sleeping. To reduce the risk of sleep disturbances, stop alcohol consumption at least four hours before bedtime. Also consider quitting alcohol altogether if you have been diagnosed with diabetes as it may prove unhealthy for you.