Some Common Dental Emergencies

It is not funny to experience dental emergencies. We cannot stop injuries and accidents or prevent dental emergencies, but we can be prepared for it. 

You may wonder what counts as dental emergencies? When should you call the emergency dentist? Any dental problem that requires to be treated as soon as possible and gets more challenging with time is a dental emergency. 

By learning how to deal with them can help us handle the situation and reduce pain. Here are some common dental emergencies and some guidelines on how to manage them until you get to the emergency dental clinic

If the Tooth Breaks 

Please avoid using your teeth, especially the front teeth, as a tool to break the nuts or other hard foods. It can cause cracked, chipped, or even broken teeth. Moreover, if the teeth have been filled, the restorative materials may be removed from the surface of the teeth. 

According to Dental Clinic Toronto, “The first and most common tooth emergency is tooth fracture. Some dentists revealed that most of their after-hours calls are about a tooth fracture or a displaced tooth. There are many ways to fracture a tooth, you might knock it off in a fight. Or you may knock it out due to some trauma. Sometimes, sports injuries also result in tooth fracture or it is also possible to have a tooth crack after some other dental procedure. However, no matter what the reason is, tooth fracture hurts a lot and should be immediately attended to.”

You may ask how I can understand my tooth is cracked. The common sign of some dental cracks is that when the teeth are clenched, you feel pain in your tooth. Sometimes cracks on the teeth can be repaired well. 

If a piece of tooth breaks, you should visit the emergency dentist as soon as possible. Try to find the broken piece and take it to the emergency dentist. 

If the Tooth Is Knocked Out 

You or your child may have your tooth knocked out while exercising, playing, or due to trauma. This is another emergency that needs to be taken seriously. Nycsmiledesign announces, “If you have lost a tooth, it is important to keep it moist. If it is possible, place the tooth back into the socket. If not, place it between cheek and gums or in a glass of milk. Be careful of the root. If damaged, it may be impossible to reattach the tooth.”

If your child’s milk tooth is knocked out, do not wash the tooth with water. Use a piece of gauze and ask him to bite it gently to stop bleeding. Take him to the pediatric dentist as soon as possible. 

In many cases, the emergency dentist re-inserts the tooth into its cavity after proper washing of the area, and the tooth can be maintained for a long time. The golden tip for saving the knocked-out tooth is time. If you can refer a dental clinic in less than half an hour, they will have more successful treatment.

If You Have a Toothache

If the tooth hurts just by eating the sweets, the tooth may be decayed, and you should visit the dentist to remove caries and repair it. But if the toothache disrupts sleep at night, it is an emergency. These nocturnal pains are a sign that the tooth nerve is involved and the tooth needs root canal treatment.

You can temporarily reduce pain by taking painkillers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and mefenamic acid. But at the first opportunity, you should visit the endodontist specialist to have root canal treatment.

If the Tongue is Bitten

Sometimes during the holidays, the lips, cheeks, or tongue are bitten. Usually, this can happen to children while playing. In this case, it is better to clean the damaged area with sterile gauze and use a cold compress.

Cold compresses will reduce swelling in that area. However, if bleeding from the lips, cheeks, or tongue is severe and uncontrollable, you should refer to the dental clinic immediately and suture the area.

Finally, “The term “dental emergency” refers to any issue that includes the teeth, surrounding tissues and other oral structures, and requires immediate attention by a dentistry professional. Not every dental emergency involves pain, however, physical discomfort is usually a signal to the patient that there is a problem in need of inspection from a dentist.” claims Walk-in Dental Clinic. So, please note that in the case of any dental emergency, do not ignore or delay treatment.