Do you Need a Heart Disease Specialist?


Over the recent past, heart conditions have become among significant causes of death in the world. Statistics show that over 600,000 people lose their lives to these conditions in the United States. Undoubtedly, you will hardly want to be among these statistics.

Sadly, sometimes these conditions become inevitable. Whenever this happens, do not condemn yourself to death. Such would be the right time to look for assistance from various experts in heart disease in Frisco.

However, what matters the most will often be access to information. It is in this light that we highlight some of the most common conditions that could push you to these experts. They include the following.


  •         Coronary heart disease

This condition will often affect the arteries. It is one of the most common heart conditions across the globe. Usually, it results from an accumulation of cholesterol plaque within the walls of your blood vessels.

In most cases, you will witness symptoms such as chest pain, nausea, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeats. Some people might experience exercise intolerance and indigestion. Usually, the diagnosis could be a physical examination or an analysis of the patient’s medical history.

Ideally, a change in your lifestyle, nutrition, and regular exercise could be essential in treating this condition. It is after it gets severe that medication will come in handy. While at it, taking measures such as stopping to smoke, regulating blood pressure, and controlling diabetes will help. In certain instances, surgery will be essential.


  •         Cardiomyopathy

This condition will often affect the way the muscles of your heart squeezes. This condition results from the thickening of the walls and tissues of your heart. As the walls of the heart stiffen, it becomes relatively hard for it to function correctly.

Some of the common symptoms will include chest pressure, dyspnea, palpitations, shortness of breath, and fatigue. It would be fair to mention that in case of severity, this condition could end up being instantly fatal.

This condition comes with age or high blood pressure, and it could be genetic too. However, this is not to say that we do not have other causative variables. Some of them remain unknown in given instances.

Your behavior will be essential in treating this condition. Usually, you will need to focus on changing your diet, exercising patterns, and lifestyle generally. While at it, you might need regular follow-up appointments with the doctor.


  •         Heart attack

You can hardly ignore how severe and sudden heart attacks could be. It results from the rapturing of a plaque within the heart. This rapture could easily block the passage of blood to critical parts of the body. In most cases, experts will rely on electrocardiograms as well as the measuring of cardiac enzymes when diagnosing this condition.

In most cases, interventional treatments, including coronary angiography and PTCA, will be vital for any patient. Besides, someone could rely on anticoagulants and antiplatelets to correct the issue.


Heart conditions will often be fatal. Whenever you feel any of the symptoms included above, it would be valuable to visit Prime HV in Texas for treatment and essential guidance. Call Dr Gerard Leong now.